The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3191652
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Jul-11 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
The Italian trio is marvelous, GfS!!!

As for your previous post to that, GfS, right on the money.

You're the one who doesn't get it, Bobert, because you are trapped in the old "us and them" 2-party mythology. Your intentions are excellent, but your thinking is out of date. Both your major parties are serving the rich elite and they are both intent on demolishing social security, wrecking the trade unions, taking away the social safety net, removing your civil rights, betraying your Constitution, giving away medicare to the rich medical elites, drug companies, and private health insurers, fighting foreign wars, serving the richest 1% of society and exploiting the rest. They use the 2-party system and its phony propaganda to divide and conquer the public. You throw own party out after 8 years of idiocy and corruption...the other one comes in...and the idiocy and corruption just goes on. Presently you throw that party out and the previous one returns to office...and the idiocy and corruption just goes on.

Why? Because it was planned that way, that's why. Obama won't save you. He doesn't work for you. He works for the rich elites, same as Bush did. The next guy (or gal) after Obama won't save you either.

What can you do about it? Damned if I know! What could an individual German of wisdom and conscience do after 1933? Not bloody much, except maybe leave the country like Marlene Dietrich did. So I won't advise you what to do, because if it was me I would leave the USA and go somewhere else. (And there are plenty of Americans I know living in Canada who have done just that.) But I doubt you want to leave. After all, you were born there...and ties are strong to the land of one's birth, as I well know. It takes a lot to walk away from your own country.