The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3191812
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Jul-11 - 01:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Baghdad Bob-Lim-bert": "The Koch bhrothers and the insurance companies pulled together and spent hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."

And Soros on the left,..pulled together and spent hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
the Rockefellers on both sides, pulled together and spent hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
(Do you actually think they put YOU over the needs of the Rockefeller family treasure chest???... Carlyle group, both sides,pulled together and spent hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
... Mr.and Mrs. James Carville, Democrat stratagist, (married to Mary Matalin, Republican statagist) both sides, pulled together and spent hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
..I bet they don't argue about what new bullshit they come up with, they collect from their 'contributors', ..Immelt, (G.E.)who skips paying taxes, while promoting, tax INCREASES for us, and while actually conning the Democraps to support raising taxes..EXCEPT FOR HIS, pulled together and spent hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
Monsanto, who backs every 'left' legislation to limit the public from having access to real food, or growing it, while they genetically engineer both a food monopoly, and unhealthy food, and seeds that do not grow, for the public, pulled together and spent hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
...Bill and Hilary Clinton, who belong to the same financial group, as the Bush's pulled together and spent hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
...Newt Gingrich, of Goldman Sachs, pulled together and spent hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
... Biden, who was the author of the 'Patriot Act', got others to spend hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
....Pelosi, the crooked bitch whose husband deals in processing home foreclosures, MADE hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
...Al Gore, who made over $500 million on HIS farcical version of 'Global Warming', while at the same time uses up huge amounts of power to 'light' his humble abode and fuel his private jets, to speak to numbskulls about 'conserving energy, and cap and trade' bullshit MADE hundreds of million$$$ organizing these dupes..."
....need I go on????? .....

..and all the while, a bunch of dumb lackeys, become self appointed 'experts', and peddle their bull-crap FOR THEM????..YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME???? You stand there with you shovel in hand, and tell ME, that I'm deluded??????!!!! ..Just keep digging faster. Maybe you'll dig to 'Nirvana', somewhere in China, where you couldn't even get away with such imbecilic behavior....OOOPS, I nearly forgot, I'm insulting your political 'model'.

Oh well, I guess its can't teach an old dog new tricks...or in some of your cases, 'You can lead a horse(or pig) to water, but you can't make it play a banjo!'

Don't you just LOVE how their guy Obama got the 'stimulus' package signed, and the mega-corps are holding the money, unemployment has never come down, we pay the interest on the loans, for that money....and the moronic imbeciles, drag their knuckles on the ground muttering, "Well it would have been much worse, if he didn't get that bill through"....and to top it off, you want to be seen as an astute 'expert' on the subject!!??!!...only because you heard some clown pundit say that on one of the mega-corp owned 'news' commentaries?!?
Talk about DUPES!!!! It's down right pathetic....only Monty Python could come up with something, that could resemble more of a parody, of 'stupid'!!!

OK..Your turn....try outdoing embarrassing yourselves....there is a hole waiting for you to dig!!!


So go support you most recent a couple of years, you'll be spouting just the opposite side of the coin....if there is any left, to split.