The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138956   Message #3191871
Posted By: Rumncoke
21-Jul-11 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Left-Handism
Subject: RE: BS: Left-Handism
I'm right eyed and fairly left handed, and somewhat dyslexic - though not diagnosed, as it didn't exist when I was at school.

I found that some teachers did not believe it existed - I was with a Reception class teacher who was complaining about having to do a test for dyslexia on her pupils and did not believe me when I said that I could not pick out the matching card from the third set - the first two were of things I could remember, the third were too abstract.

She was really quite angry with me. I was in my twenties then. How a little dot just four years old would cope with the experience I can't imaging.

Anne Croucher

Dorset England