The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71715   Message #3192098
Posted By: gnu
21-Jul-11 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you handle panhandlers/beggars ?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you handle panhandlers/beggars ?
The current thread about charities brought this, which I almost posted on that thread in addition to what I posted, to mind...

I know that giving money to "bums" (of which there are many types) is frowned on by some people so here is what I mean. I was walking Mum into a grocery store last Friday morn and we passed a young man sitting hunched up against the wall next to a pallet of potting soil. He looked bad... sunken eyes (didn't look up to make eye contact), tattoos, unkempt and dirty hair, dirty face, scrawny, dirty clotes, a plastic bag of belongings, and a sign scrawled with "travelling, Thunder Bay, broke." (Thunder Bay is 1664 miles from me.)

When I got Mum inside she asked what the sign said and then said she should have given him some money. I said I intended to but wanted to get her in the store first. She gave me $20 and asked if it was enough. I nodded. As I went outside I had a $10 bill and the next largest was not in the cards. I gave him the $30 and he almost started to cry. He said "Thanks man. You're a good man." I said "You are too. Get yer ass to Thunder Bay." I could hear him crying as I walked away.

I told Mum what I just told you, except for the "Get yer ass to Thunder Bay." and she said it made her feel good and she should have given him $50. I said that it made me feel good too.

When we came out, he was gone.

That night, I won $20 in the Lotto Max. Saturday night, $10 in the Lotto 6/49. It only cost $7 to make three people feel good. "Cast thy bread..."?

Hmmm... bread... I shoulda bought him some grub too but it didn't occur to me at the time.