The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65392   Message #3192317
Posted By: Charley Noble
21-Jul-11 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: Washtub Bass: What kind of string & why?
Subject: RE: Washtub Bass: What kind of string & why?
I'll see if I can get one of my band mates to explain how his washtub bass is put together. He's been playing the thing for over 20 years, and finally bought a new string last spring. As I recall he said picking the right washtub is not an easy thing for a beginner. He tested them for resonance by sticking them over his head and singing, amusing the other folks in the hardware store no end. He also pounded out flat the first inner ring because he found it a structural weak point; he is a quality control engineer.

Charley Noble