The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3192373
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Jul-11 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
JTS: "I don't know why anyone would was to argue with a vacationer from sanity."

Frankly, neither do I....unless they like to play Devil's advocate, and learn something along the way!

JtS: "Anyone who argues that the Tea Party is anything but a rebranding of the worst elements of the GOP is playing the fool and is a dupe themselves."

As I've posted SEVERAL times before, I am NOT a Tea Partier, nor do I support them....but I CAN see why it appeals to some people, who want a change.....but, as also posted several times(sometimes I have to repeat myself to ideologues, they are very SLOW in learning, or even comprehending), "I'm not with the party, I'm with the band!"

Baghdad Bob Lim-baugh...or bert: "Nevermind... Back to the delusional GfinS... All the $$$ that George Soros has is chump change compared to the Koch brothers..."

In for a penny, in for a pound! You mean Soros made NOTHING after crashing the British pound?? Soros is a LOT wealthier, and crazier, than you have any idea apparently.

Guest 999: "GfS does not share most of the views espoused by others. So what. Why pick on GfS. (I don not share GfS views, but that is no reason to resort to rancor.) IMO."

Well, they do that rather than debate the issues, because they have NO FACTS to back them up...only liberal 'squawking points'...which is usually just hot air blowing out someone's ass. Typically when the name calling rancor begins, its because they sense they've lost the argument, and instead of engaging in fact finding, their inflated egos, just start bickering. It's another sign of short-sighted, Narcissistic stupidity!

Guest 999: "Gentlemen, GfS was rude to me many maonths back, so I seldom address him/her. However, I feel no need to be rude back--.."

..and we've both baked each other up, too, on occasion...Don Firth, as well.....(even a broken clock is right, twice a day)!

Bobert: "know it can be hard to see thru it from the outside but we all (the participants/combatants) seem to understand the where the boundaries are with the exception of Sawz... But GfinS and LH fully understand that Don and I aren't this, ahhhh, enemy..."

Because, in his heart, he knows we're right!!!

Waving To You All!!!