The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3192423
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Jul-11 - 12:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
..or because you old farts are senile!

BTW....If you fell into a pile of money..let's say billions, would or wouldn't you support a political effort??

If you did, OK..nothing wrong with that.....BUT if you used it to leverage agendas, in a corrupt way, that's a different story.
If it was legitimate, I'm sure your 'opposition' would come up with all sorts of slurs at you, wouldn't you say???..even media bias, as well..

I notice you ALWAYS jump on the Koch Bros......just what is it that, THAT YOU KNOW, is corrupt about them?...other than being rich, and oil people. To my knowledge, I don't know too much about their dealings, other than that of virtually all mega-wealthy people.
(I'm not setting a 'trap', or anything...I was just curious.

I noticed you didn't address the other people and entities I mentioned. THOSE I KNOW are corrupt bastards!

Another thing, just for what it's worth....remember when I said I talked to a couple of Tea Partiers, a while back??....I mentioned the Koch Bros. to them, and they didn't seem to know too much about them, either...but one seemed to know about one of them, by name(only).
Regardless, as I posted before, the 'attraction' for a lot of the Tea Party joiners, seems to rest with a frustration with 'business as usual in Washington'...and the people being screwed, as a result of it, and the loss of our(perceived) freedoms.

Just a simple response will do.(No lecturing, bad-mouthing, or pontificating)...OK?