The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138886   Message #3192897
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
22-Jul-11 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Noah's Ark Trap (Nic Jones album)
Subject: RE: Noah's Ark Trap
Bonzo (or whatever your real name is.....and why do you hide your identity? just a question. Evetyone knows I'm Ralph Jordan. Ralphie is just easier to type.)
You have made it clear that you take great delight in bootlegging live gigs. I was told that I had had this done to me. I can't be certain, but I trust the person who told me.
I recorded the Sidmouth "In Search Of Nic Jones" concert last year having been asked by the family to do so.
I specifically asked permission from all the artists, who all (thankfully) agreed.
In return, They all have a double CD of a truly wonderful and emotional afternoon, as do Nic and Julia.
If any of the artists had said no...I would have stopped the machine without hesitayion.
On many occasions playing in a pub session, someone will ask me to play a particular tune again, so that they can record it to take it away and learn. Absolutely no problem with that.
But, recording at a public concert without permission is not on.
I am reminded of the very last public appearance of Ivor Cutler which I was recording for Radio 3 and Ivor stopped mid-song, peered into the audience and said "Are you recording me?...............Don't"
I honestly don't really give a stuff whether you've recorded me or not. But a lot of artists would take a very dim view of such actions.