The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71715 Message #3193825
Posted By: gnu
23-Jul-11 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you handle panhandlers/beggars ?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you handle panhandlers/beggars ?
It sure does with me. I do not tell other people what is funny, what they can or can't say... or any other form of censorship... THAT is truly sickening... and VERY childish.
BTW, drive careful near the hospital... big money if you hit a crip.
Come on? It's a JOKE. Lighten up eh? Life is too short to walk around with a stick up yer ass. Unless it vibrates and the feathers on it shimmer brightly in the light when you come.
Or is that just me?
Too far? NEVER! If you don't laugh, change the channel.