The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138854   Message #3194225
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
24-Jul-11 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
Subject: RE: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
You've been busy! I'm glad you were able to make sense of that information at Lifestyle, Kat. I don't know how those work or how much they deliver, so it was a shot in the dark. And I agree about the whale video - happy tears indeed as that beautiful animal shows joy at freedom! You know they have to understand that the people in that boat are helping. Michelle, on the news today they said the heat wave on the east coast is breaking up, so you should be back to better temperatures soon. It looks like it's building up here again, this afternoon is supposed to be anywhere from 103 to 106.

My kitchen is a tiny bit more organized. I screwed on a plastic-coated wire rack inside the cabinet door under my sink. I put a little plastic long narrow organizer thing in the bottom of it to keep small dish washing things from falling through the rack. That's another bowl off the counter. I also have a rack to put inside a cabinet to hold the lids to my Tupperware lids.

Describing and listing a few eBay things this morning.