The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138854   Message #3194546
Posted By: katlaughing
24-Jul-11 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
Subject: RE: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
Great job, SRS. Yes, that whale knew they were there to help, I am sure of it.

Michelle, you are a wonder. I hope you got some rest!

We got a lot done today. Besides the usual dishes, litter boxes, and laundry, I packed up all of the cassette tapes in the card catalogue, all of the LPs in the record stand under it and Rog took them all out to storage until we decide what we want to do with them. I did keep out about ten or so LPs which I *think* may be saleable. We'll see.

We put the baker's rack where all of the above was. It's at the end of the table and now holds some things which were kept on the kitchen table; stuff which often got in the way, esp. when Morgan is over to eat with us. It looks much neater. I put all of our clothes away, too. I went looking for a basket to keep some of those things in on the baker's rack only to realise I gave away several of them last week, to reduce clutter.**bg** Morgan reminded me they went to help the animals and we made do with a smaller one.

Morgan had asked me to sew up a seam in his swimming trunks, so he got out the sewing machine, I showed him how to thread it and let him sew them up with my help. We also did the same thing to a couple of pairs of my pants, the last he did almost totally by himself. He loved it and wants to sew some more. He also wanted to crochet, again. He'd forgotten how, so I showed him, over and over. He got very frustrated to the point where I quit trying to help and went back to my work. When he calmed down, I showed him, again, and he was off to the races. I now have his first chain, made with saffron coloured cotton yarn, around my neck as a "necklace." We thought bracelets would be fun, too, so I showed him how to thread on little bells from India, with my help. I now am wearing a jingly matching bracelet!:-) He has moved on to the purple yarn, now, and is making me another necklace. I told him I knew a few "aunties" at Mudcat who might enjoy a bracelet, too.

It's about 100 degree here this afternoon. The house is at about 77, but it still feels h-o-t. I always close the shades and only leave a couple of windows ajar to keep the swamp cooler air moving, but it's just plain hot. SRS, move slowly and drinks lots of water...106??!! Too much!
