The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139327   Message #3194586
Posted By: GUEST,mg
24-Jul-11 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting
Subject: RE: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting
One thing..there is always an overconfidence in the prospect of rescue by helicopter. There are never enough helicopters, pilots. They can not fly in some weather. There are not helicopters just roving the skies waiting to rescue us. If you are surrounded by water, as the Japan situation was, as this situation was, as Katrina are going to have to use boats. Surely the camp would have had recreational boats if it was an island only reachable by boat..and I don't know if it was or if there was a bridge or moat or whatever..and surely they would have had a plan in case campers got sick or injured..oh..probably a helicopter..I am telling have to have plans that do not include helicopters. mg