The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3194610
Posted By: Bobert
24-Jul-11 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Exactly, Don...

Rather than produce actual facts on their own the Dynamic-Dupes accept everything they read on the web as the God's honest truth... Ahhhhh, as long as some right wing blogger who is being paid big buck to propagate lies and misinformation for the rich has written it... I don't think that either could actually do much better than Sarah Palin when she was asked, "What newspapers do you read?"...

They are caught in the right wing wind tunnel where every bit of so-called news is propaganda and, like their Tea Party heroes, they really couldn't give a flying fuck if what they are being told is the truth or lies or whatever???

This is the maddening part about trying to debate/discuss policy with these people... First, they don't have the educational background to keep up and second, they don't care if the stuff they say has any factual basis...

I mean, ignorance is America's BIGGEST enemy and right now it abounds...

And these people are so ignorant that they really don't care if America succeeds or fails because they don't know the difference between these to concepts...

This isn't meant to be a put down to score points... It's just an observation and a major concern for the future of out country...

I mean, deep down inside, I think Charles Manson would make a better Representative than 90% of these Tea Partiers... I mean, yeah, he is crazy so you wouldn't want him to have any guns but I never thought of him as being stupid...
