The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136495   Message #3194870
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Jul-11 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Religions don't get overthrown, stringsinger. They evolve with time and they change significantly. They adapt to changing societal norms. A brief study of what's happened in Christianity in the last 2,000 years will clearly illustrate my point, and the same thing will inevitably occur with Islam, in fact has been occurring in the last 1500 years, despite retrograde efforts by fundamentalist factions within the religion.

There's always a conservative part of a religious community that wants to keep things frozen in stone and do them like they were done "back in the year One", but they are usually in the minority. Religions change, just as other things in society change.

You're never going to see Christianity or Islam or Buddhism or any other significant religion in this world overthrown, you're going to see them evolve, change, and adapt to new ways of thinking. Now, I know that isn't what you want to see.... ;-) But too bad, cos you can't always get what you want! ;-)

You suggest overthrowing Islam by the power of reason. Aha! That's an excellent idea, to use reason...but reason doesn't overthrow religions, it re-interprets them and comes up with a far more reasonable version of them. That's evolution. Your desire to eradicate religions entirely from this world is not that of a man inclined to reason, it's that of a fanatic bent on forcing everyone else to think the way he wants them to. He figures that since he isn't religious...therefore they shouldn't be either! Sorry. That's not reasonable. It's as unreasonable as insisting that no one be gay, because you aren't gay or that no one should eat lobster, because you don't eat lobster.


As to the rest of you...still busy kicking the old Libya can around, eh? Okay, here's the thing. You know what absolutely terrifies Muammar Ghadaffi? You know what keeps him awake at night and causes him to despair for his chances of survival?

This thread on Mudcat! Yeah, that's right. Every morning old Muammar turns on his computer immediately after doing prayer, and he breaks out into a cold sweat as he reads the dire predictions and burning accusations from various worthy gents here who make it a daily habit to utterly damn and destroy Muammar Gadhaffi by way of the keyboard and to pursue him digitally, yea even beyond the grave!!! He shakes in his boots. He begs Allah to save him from the terrors of Mudcat condemnation. His hopes dwindle to zero and he whimpers and moans and beats his little fisties on the ground...just like Saddam, Osama, Manuel Noriega, and a host of other prime baddies used to do. This place reduces such evil types to a quivering pile of jelly on the floor!

Doesn't it make you feel utterly glorious to be basking in the incredible power you wield here as you help to bring down the despicable Mr Gadhaffi? ;-) All I can say is..."Go, team, go!!!!!"