The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3195037
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-Jul-11 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
John P: "Hey GfS, please tell me how you can claim to want freedom for all Americans and to follow the letter of the Constitution while also inveighing against gay folks having equal treatment under the law and curtailed freedoms."

Like ALL you have to rail about is those who TRUTHFULLY Know what the homosexual is and is NOT! You, and your ilk, seem to ONLY care about that one hot button issue..(as if that is another sign of 'maturity') So here it is, one more fucking time, the homosexual issue is NOT a genetic deal...and no one, not even our illustrious Mr. Firth has produced one shred of evidence linking homosexuality to genes...not even when he produced a link to a study, conducted by a homosexual researcher!!!..who claimed that there was NO conclusive anything of the sort!..THEREFORE, it could not, or cannot be given Constitutional guarantees under the 'race, creed or color clause'!..HOWEVER, they can do just about anything they want to do, under the 'pursuit of happiness' clause. Anyone who argues, that marriage is the same as a 'domestic partnership' is guilty of twisting definitions to fit an agenda. Conversely, those who argue FOR not allowing Homosexuals, to co-habitate, as domestic partners, on religious grounds, are also in error, as so far as 'religious' arguments, are not binding Constitutionally!!! The rest is just some segment of a political wing trying to make hay, and loopholes in the supreme law of the land!
Now enough of that stupid and inane bullshit!! Get it? Got it! Good!

In regards to the Kochs, Soros, IMF, AND THJE REST of the 'special interests' I've been saying for over three years on here, IT IS THE CORRUPTION of our system, and the propagandist's industrialization, in the media owned and influenced by those same, corrupt 'pieces of shit' people, that has the whole of the country completely disoriented!

Everybody, at present, is awaiting some sort of 'deal' or resolution in regards to the 'debt ceiling'. Everybody is blaming the 'other party' for holding things up.....HERE IT IS(believe it or not, and argue about it or not)...The 'remedy' is NOT going to be made by a political party, of either will be made BY THE INTERNATIONAL MONEY GUYS, FOR THEIR ADVANTAGE, NOT OURS AND 'DELIVERED' through the 'party system' to the public, and the people WILL NOT be represented, nor allowed to make a choice. In other words, we will be dictated to, sans ANY Democratic process, by and for the furthering agenda of the globalist's bankers, for the purpose of setting into place THEIR system of THEIR control!!

You don't like it????...well don't blame me, for telling you the TRUTH!
