The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139355   Message #3195463
Posted By: Donuel
25-Jul-11 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Republican Default Crises
Subject: BS: The Republican Default Crises
There are about 300 Congressmen who are so impressed that they have actually flustered the usually implacable Obama, that they think they smell blood in the water.   Boehner could have cracked some skulls but he is afraid he will be replaced if he doesn't play Cantors game of having an adult conversation and wathen walk out.

There are no polls that favor the Republican position in this battle. It seems many the Tea Party is OK with blowing up the economy to harm Obama. What they don;t know is that the repurcussion will last 12 to 20 years.

The Republicans are defending the oil loopholes and tax loopholes for the wealthiest 400 men in the country to the point that even the rich are bemoaning the monster thier think tanks invented to advance a Republican Party that was in tattters after the economic crash.

The Republican plans go beyond defending loopholes for billionaires, it would cap spending so the USA could not respond to disasters. There would not even be money for low interest loans to victims.
We could not extend Unemployment insurance and most important...

The cuts would cost jobs without revenue offsets.

Econ 101 - More money in the system = more spending and a better economy.

Less money in the system = less spending and a worse economy.