The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139327   Message #3195467
Posted By: GUEST,mg
25-Jul-11 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting
Subject: RE: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting
It turns out that the security person/policeman who was shot is the stepbrother of the crown princess and I believe his son was there and he shoved him out of the way. There was more information about the ferry ride..the report I read and now can not pull up said that the woman who was shot was a museum worker and had deep suspicions after questioning him on the boat. She left the ferry and contacted the real policeman who somehow then shot them both. If only she had been able to talk to the ferry captain and have him/her on guard, or ready to call police or something. But she was a true was the real policeman. As were the citizens who put their boats in the water. And of course the swat team. mg