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Thread #127472   Message #3195899
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
26-Jul-11 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Another baseless theory!
Look guys, the Tea Party's appeal is to citizens who are freaked out, as to the way things are, and have been in Washington. A great deal of them haven't even heard of the Koch's....even though, I would agree, that the Koch's are funneling money and support into the party.
Do I agree with everything they say?...NO.
Do I agree with everything the Democrats say?...NO.
Do I agree with the GOP?..NO
Do I agree with everything Mudcatters say??...Well, so far they haven't had much of anything coherent to say, other than they are a bunch of discontented whiners, whose so-called 'left' leaning mindset is obviously coming unraveled...and instead of making 'adjustments' and/or 'corrections', even in the light of FACTS, some just turn into nasty little bitches.

Oh, and Don,..remember what you are looking for? This is your claim that I said: "And then, you went on to claim that YOU were a counselor and HAVE cured homosexuals of their homosexuality."

The part about being a counselor was indeed correct..the other, well you just made that up!...

But this is what I did say, "Personally, I don't care how a person takes their sex....but that should be a personal matter..and not rub it in all our faces, and force us to accept it as law!!...even when it goes against the majority will of the people."

AND THIS: "Thank God for natural selection! When the stupid idiots don't get it, let nature step in and give them a clue!! Personally, there is no need to legislate a thing! This whole thing is a backlash to the homosexuals pushing their agendas down everyone's throat...and excuse the majority for objecting!!!!!
Whether you like it or not, homosexuality (until the politically 'correct' assholes, pushed it onto the medical community), has always been listed as a dysfunctional behavior, where one gender, through one of several reasons, develops a sense of inability, to resolve understanding and communication differences with the opposite sex, usually from hostility, emotional focus, and unforgiveness towards a like gender parent and reverts to a pubescent experimental stage, of sexuality, which causes little or no challenge to expand beyond immature behavioral patterns.....Much the same behavior is seen in younger girls who like to 'dress up like 'mommy'(which is normal for pre-pubescent girls), homosexuals like to dress up like 'married'. To actually push that agenda onto a functioning society, is the product of a group of people who have physically matured, and not emotionally matured as well.....And if you don't like it, that is only a product of your political bent...which of course, is not to be confused with mental health."

OR THIS: "Ok, Then give a name to two people who proclaim publicly that they want to live together, and have children that they conceive themselves, and raise that family together. HINT: Its a name they use world over, from Samoa, to Tibet, Europe, Asia, China, Russi, Australia, South, and Central America, North America..and recognized globally. Then ask yourselves, is this the same situation that warrants the same name of two people who have an inability to do that, because of their sexual orientation.

It's called 'Marriage'...and I KNOW, so you don't have to beat a dead horse, that not all couples who get married, don't do it, for the reason of having children..however, that IS the model, and families ARE the basic fabric of civilizations and societies. It is no wonder, why 'redefining' what that basic building block is, that some people, whether religious based, or not, see that eroding away of that foundation, see it as a threat to their nations, culture, or society...especially when they are so vehement, in their attacks! If they want a different sexual 'preference'..they don't have to advertise is and throw it in everyone's face!..In like manner, nobody, inquires on here as to their sexuality to deny them of any dialogues or rights! Do we have to know how your wives squeak, or how you groan, or where you like it????...I do-o-o-n't think so!!

So, if they want to do what they do, the way they do, then call it whatever they want...but it is not 'Marriage' as known the world over, by every established society....any more than when a little girl dresses up in mommy's dresses and wears her high heels, makes her a woman or mother!!!"

OR THIS?: "From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 03 Jan 09 - 04:40 AM"

Or THIS GEM...From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 03 Jan 09 - 04:40 AM: " Acceptable??? To whom? me? No..I think its lame, unnecessary, dysfunctional, dishonest to one's own self, lying to himself about his own gender, and sad...and I understand it! Absolutely tragic!..from both sides. Acceptable?..Maybe to you ..but then you have given yourself little option...and intentionally stay comfortable in your lack of knowledge or understanding. That, too, is sad.

Personally, I think that unless a man, mounts a woman, and with her hearty help, at least one time in their life, for the soul purpose of bringing forth a life, and willing to raise that child with her, keeping LOVE as the central focus of their family, you can take all the mystics, politicians, religious fanatics, and used car salesmen, and go bark and howl at the moon, for anything they want...and it won't take away the fact, of the wonder of that miracle, nor will they argue it away. Doing that, is the hottest experience humans can do well, on this planet!...Now if you haven't done that...what did you want to say???

I can't hear you.........
(Don't even post it)   

Or THIS ONE: (From: From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 16 Aug 10 - 06:51 PM
"Donny Firth: "No, GfS, we do NOT know that it is not genetic. YOU don't want to believe it, so in your mind, it isn't. But there is plenty of evidence demonstrating that gender orientation IS genetic. The specific gene or genes have not been isolated yet, but the basic principles of genetics established by Gregor Mendel in the 19th century definitely point to this being the case.

I, and many geneticists, feel confident that the gene(s) will be found soon. If it hasn't been yet, that doesn't mean that it won't be."

That is speculation. Since when have 'civil rights' issues, regarding the law, are passed on speculation?????

You need to do a bit better....shit, let's speculate that 2012 everything is going to be destroyed..and pass a law that we party till then, at government expense!!..EQUALLY!!

Nope!..Bad foundation to build a case on!!


Or THIS ONE: From: Don Firth
Date: 16 Aug 10 - 07:26 PM

"Rave on, little critter. There is ample evidence that gender orientation is indeed genetic to make the civil rights issue valid."

And THIS ONE: From: Don Firth
Date: 18 Aug 10 - 09:27 PM
"Okay, both questions are answered by the fact that the "homosexual gene" is carried by one or more females in the family into which the homosexual male is born. And the gene in question seems to relate to an inconsistency, or "mis-timing," in when particular hormones are released to the male fetus when the female in question is pregnant."

Don Firth

AND THEN HE SAYS THIS NOW...on this thread!!
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 25 Jul 11 - 04:14 PM

Don Firth:"GfS, you are, indeed, a liar. Or you, too, flunked remedial reading. I never said that same-sex orientation is genetic..."

...and I have more.......(just thought I'd help you out!)