The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5573   Message #31959
Posted By: AndyG
07-Jul-98 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: Salvation Army comic song
Subject: Lyr Add: THE POOR YOUNG MAN (Salvation Army)^^^
I heard this on the radio some thirty years ago, it's a temperance song parody, but it's more of a church-style chant than a song. I think the artist was Steve Benbow.


There was once a poor young man
Who left his country home
And wandered into the city
For to seek employment

And he'd promised his dear mother
He would leave a simple life
And always shun
The fatal cures of drink

One night he went out
With his new-found friends to dine
And there they tried to tempt him
To take a drink

They tempted him and they tempted him
But he refused and he refuséd
'til finally
He took a sip of beer

When he saw what he had done
He dashed the liquor to the floor
And staggered out of the bar
With delerium tremens

And whilst in the grip of curséd liquor
He met a Salvation Army lassie
And cruelly
He burst her tambourine

All she said was heaven bless you
And left a mark upon his brow
With a kick that she had learned
Before she was saved

So all young men take warning
Always shun the curse of drink
And don't go round
Breaking ladies' tambourines!

AndyG ^^^