The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139327   Message #3196289
Posted By: mg
26-Jul-11 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting
Subject: RE: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting

Here is a you tube video. Someone asked about places for helicopters to land..looks like lots of places to me, including pavement. Lots of clearing surrounded by lots of trees.

I do not share his assessment of the weather from looking at this. I see people in shorts and t-shirts, as well as light looked like light rainful, not some terrible weather that would impeded were skimming right through the water, which was calm. Air looked calm, perhaps a bit of rain or drizzle.

This has to be pieced together with people of good intentin. Obviously personal abuse will stop many conversations. There is at least one person here I will not read for that reason. THese questions are being asked, and as I have said, by high level people in various places. If you let fear of being called a fool stop you from what really needs to be done you have given up too easily. And future lives are at stake, but the more people who raise these questions, the better security is going to be.