Of course there is condescension and insults. THat is how many people get their pleasure. In the meantime, these exact questions have been asked by enough people that their is going to be a special investigation, and I hope it includes the call center for their "911."
Read how a father received a message from his daughter, called the police and was told to have the youth call the police. Unfortunately, some did and they were turned away by the operators saying that they were only taking calls relating to Oslo bombings. Note..it was not an overloaded cell phone or rotary phone system. The calls got in.
I fail to see hysteria here. I see what should be done after every disaster..that is people outside the area jumping in and looking at it from every angle. There will be other situations in the world. Everything should be scrutinized. Some countries have almost no resources and it is hard to say what should have been done. Here lots of people are pointing out minute by minute, and each minute equals one teenager shot, where lives could have been saved, and could be in the future.
My computer is not doing well on maps and I do not have unlimited time...I am not obsessed about how far it was..I have read a number of distances..most professional journalists are saying several hundred meters. I have a very strong interest in not leaving people to die frankly, and I wonder what would be wrong with that..I don't see how that would change between cultures frankly..there are some universal truths, which to me would include speed of response in a situation and preplanning for many eventualities in a world of terror and never ever saying this could not happen here. And analyzing every step of the process where every minute saved a life could have been saved. Sorry of some of you don't agree with that. It seems being nasty takes priorty. mg