The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3196729
Posted By: Sawzaw
27-Jul-11 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
"$33B so far"

"Whose figures??? Right wing bloggers???"

Oneway Bobert demands answers from others but he will not answer.

"Can I call Bobert an idiot" I do not beleive it is OK to call anybody an idiot.

I have never told anybody to shut up.

If they keep making claims they can't back up, just proves their claims are specious and that they are a blowhard.

Bobert can't define any of the "cuts"

He won't name any of the shitload of Dixiecrats.

He won't name any of the "right wing paid bloggers"

He can keep on repeating those claims as long as he wants.

Can you back up this claim Bobert?:

"When thug, who are paid by the Koch brothers, enter a town meeting with the intent of scaring the shit out of everyone"

When and where did that happen Bobert?