"What do these idiots think that "Give me Liberty, or give me Death! means? Why do they think the country was founded in the first place? To save a few pennies in taxes? It is not about guns. It never was. It was about freedom. Freedom and democracy."
Bullshit your "give me liberty of give me death" was a trumped up slogan based upon Sweet Fuck All covering a land grab. The land being grabbed being owned by the indigenous tribes and guaranteed by a Treaty made in 1754 with the British Government of the time in recognition of the assistance rendered by those Indian tribes in defeating the French.
To put into simple terms that you might understand Jack - You lot grabbed and stole land from the indigenous tribes exactly as you accuse the Israelis of stealing land from the Palestinians - Both North and South of the US and Canadian borders.
Care to tell me what the word hypocrite means Jack (Who may or may not be a legal jerkwad, or illegal jerkwad - something Jack has yet to clarify)