The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139327   Message #3197098
Posted By: Teribus
28-Jul-11 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting
Subject: RE: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting
"Whoa. In the first place Jack the Sailor was not born in the US but adopted it. Secondly, it was YOU lot who did the grabbing and treaty breaking." - Ebbie

I think that the historical evidence is pretty much on my side. The British Government of the day tended to honour it's treaty obligations to the native tribes who had allied themselves with the British against the French in 1754.

It was the settlers and colonists that wanted those treaties broken so that they could expand by taking "Indian" land.

Question for you Ebbie - in the War of 1812 whose side did the Indians of the five nations fight on? Answer they fought for the British. Now why would they do that if what you say was true? Because with the British their land was safe.

Always love the way that when chattering away about the War of Independence it was The Americans that won the war and defeated The British but when it comes to anything negative it was British Settlers and Colonists who robbed the Indians of their land.

Explore and take a look at how the expansion into the Ohio and Wabash Basin occured.

Your War of Independence and the War of 1812 had bugger all to do with "Taxation"; "Representation" or "Liberty and Death" all such pretexts were simply mendacious excuses to cover a monstrous act of theft driven by greed. The precedent set was continued with from 1776 onwards until you reached the Pacific Ocean - or was all that our fault too?