The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139327   Message #3197180
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
28-Jul-11 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting
Subject: RE: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting
In fairness to Mary, it must be difficult, when you live in a country where the police will pick up anybody they find taking a stroll late in the evening and deliver them home for their own safety, to understand that in most of Europe it is usually safe to do this if one sticks to well lit streets.

Listening to the responses of Norwegian citizens since the attack, one thing is clear.

They are determined that this will not engender a culture of fear and paranoia in one of the World's most peaceful countries.

In other words, you will NOT see armed police on the street corners, and you will NOT see any increase in personal weapons.

Norwegians will get on with their lives as before, and in the background some changes will be made in the ease of acquiring bomb making materials and guns.

The reason why the USA needs police with guns is precisely because too many US citizens have guns, and please don't give me that old bullshit about the provision of an armed militia to protect against a rogue government. G W Bush is still alive, so that dog won't hunt.

Don T.