The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90388   Message #3197714
Posted By: VirginiaTam
29-Jul-11 - 03:00 AM
Thread Name: spam thread (max is using to test a defense)
Subject: RE: spam thread (max is using to test a defense)
Old dude. It is not surprising you don't like Spam. It is basically a sold block of meat jello.

Dear guest benevlent overlord. I prefer the title Patrician. Just something to consider. ;-)

re ED, tell your doc you have angina and heart palpitations. l think they only discovered the side benefit from those drugs help with ED, hence viagra was produced specifically for that prob. . . Uh er condition.

Am I doing this right? How precisely does one attract spam.    By dropping comments about flat tummy producing, wrinkle reducing, odds deducing miracle pill, made by Alice at Rabbit Hole pharmville?

I had too much red wine last night.