The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1047   Message #3198
Posted By:
17-Mar-97 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Solid Ground (Dougie MacLean)
Subject: Lyrics or any other info: Solid Ground
I heard someone play a song she said was by Dougie McClain, called "Solid Ground." I may have the name spelled wrong - I haven't heard of him before, though I'd like to hear of him again. In any case, I'd love to find the lyrics to "Solid Ground," if anyone knows where to find them. (I'd love even more to find out where I could get sheet music for it, but I try not to be too greedy.)

Anyone know anything about it? I have no idea how old the song is, or anything else for that matter, escept that I liked it.
