The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9195 Message #3198325
Posted By: GUEST,Rebekah (Clapp) Karkos
30-Jul-11 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Spider's Web
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Spider's Web
Hi All,
I went to Camp Tattapanum from 1968 - 1970 and also 1972. The first three years I was an "all summer long" camper. I remember Peaches, Kristy, Courage (who I'm still in contact with), Pixie and many others. I would LOVE to get back in contact with anyone who was there, especially during the years I would and might know. That was the best time of my life and I treasure those memories dearly.
I would probably be remembered by the name of "Beth" Clapp.