The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139431   Message #3198438
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
30-Jul-11 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let's write a truly bad piece of fiction
Subject: RE: BS: Let's write a truly bad piece of fiction
A bedroom in Southern California, there is pink sky over the ocean from the sunrise AMOS rubs his eyes.


         Who is that sitting on the foot of my water bed?

         The seventies called. It wants its water bed back.

         Leo? Leonardo DeCrappio?


       Yes it is I, Leonardo DeCrappio star of such movies as
       Perception and Gangs of New Jersey!

AMOS picks up a TIM HORTONS COFFEE MUG, blissfully drinks some, turns it so that the label is clearly visible.


         So this is a dream? Brazil and Kenya don't exist
         and I busted my TV for nothing?


         Brazil and Kenya exist all right. But the are only
         Coffee Beans.


          But Brazil is so robust and Kenya so rich and dark.




       But the hot sweat and machete distilled and refined,
       one lump then two.


       Sugar. and before you ask, the other bit was just milk.
       You know, Double double. Its a Ginsberg thing."


      But there is nothing about cocks and balls.


      OK, Ginsberg lite. This is a Disney Film after all.
      Didn't you wonder why you were being played by Justin Beiber?


      Don't you mean JUST IN BEAVER? I am the notoriously       heterosexual porn star. You should have read the opening
credits more carefully. Its Dicksmeat Studio and that castle
      is a collection of dildoes.


      I was wondering why Tinkerbell wore chap and
      her wand was a whip.


      "Tinkerbell is copyright of Disney. You were looking at Ring Her Belle."


       Now that's just goofy!

       You are violating copyright again. In this movie you
       have to say gorshy.


       That's just stupid.


       That's Hollywood.


       Don't I know it.

LEO awakes on the beach by a vast ruined cityscape on a lonely shore which could only exist in the dreams of one suffering from years of CGI addiction. All of the buildings have an odd texture, red and white almost pinkish. He looks out to see. Now the ocean is coffee with wisps of latte foam where the white would be on the breakers.


       If piranhas are bad what is worse?

                        AGENT SMITH


Agent Smith clones him self into a billion copies. There are so many that they are piled up around the edges of the scenes. You can still see the shapes of the buildings in the distance, but like an old southern mansion covered in kudzu, the buildings have a patina of Smith.

                     (Yawns and sighs)
                        No. Not you.

There is a long and involved boring fight scene. Boring because, having seen Agent Smith in several previous movies, and knowing LEO is the opted for one we know that LEO will prevail. The only thing keeping us from switching of the BlueRay and going out and interacting with some real people right then and there is a few clever effects sequences and the fact that we would have to shave and put on pants.

                      AGENT SMITH

                      You have won.


                   What else is new?

                      AGENT SMITH

       Before I die there is one thing I must know.


       As long as there are cheezy immature directors
       With too much time and money and too few original ideas
       you can never die.

                      AGENT SMITH

       Shut up kid. I haven't had a decent special effects
       since LOTR. Let me have my moment.



                      AGENT SMITH

       What is worse than piranhas?

       Piranhas on caffeine.

They look down the beach and see white gleaming cow bones.

Behind that they see white gleaming sea cow bones.

Behind that, the bones of a blue whale, the largest animal never to roam the land.

Behind that, hundreds of feet high, the bones of what must have been the entire population of the Tokyo metropolitan area. Godzilla pokes her head around that pile, burps, covers her mouth and giggles.


       I have had enough of this.

He covers himself in Old Bay seasoning and swims out into the ocean of Piranha infested coffee to meet his fate.

Push back to the beach, Push in to one of the ruined buildings on the shore. The only building material was coffee mugs. Perfect, steaming Tim Hortons coffee mugs with the label clearly displayed.

             Reality. Brewed fresh, every 20 minutes.