The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26312   Message #319871
Posted By: KathWestra
16-Oct-00 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: NOMAD 2000
Subject: RE: BS: NOMAD 2000
I'll be there, doing a concert set called "Kathy's Favorites," a workshop with 'Catter Karen K. and Jennifer Woods called "Circle of Friends" (songs about friendship), leading a workshop of love songs, and participating with Suzanne Mrozak in a workshop of the special songs that have "chosen" us (can't remember what it's called).

Judy Cook will be on hand, as will George Stephens and Mary LaMarca, and lots of other 'Catters I'm forgetting 'cause I don't have the schedule in front of me.

Could one of Mudcat's magic elves post a link to the NOMAD grid???? Pretty please????