The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99791   Message #3199156
Posted By: GUEST,sensible sarah
31-Jul-11 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: Song - The Amateur Yachtsman
Subject: RE: Song - The Amateur Yachtsman
Hi Charley,
Wasn't expecting to get a reply so fast, the thread was pretty old when I chanced upon it and I hung around a bit before replying.
Roger Wagner and I started as a duo, collected other members along the way, notably a guy called Alastair who played fiddle. We sang in and around London between 1982 and 1985. Roger wrote the song, among many others, and we also did covers, trad, American, bit of everything. Amateur Yachtsman was based on Roger's own experience in lurv, the way songs are, though one night we dedicated it to a friend of my husband's, who'd just committed suicide, and I get goosebumps remembering how right it was on that occasion too.
Hope that solves what seems to have been a mystery. No idea where Roger is now, I've been in France for years.
Good wishes and wherever you are, keep the music going!