The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139445   Message #3199228
Posted By: Musket
31-Jul-11 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Good Results w/ Old Equipment - Turntables
Subject: RE: Tech: Good Results With Old Equipment
I used to spend all my money on HiFi equipment.

These days, I have plugged a £15.00 bluetooth receiver into the amps in the various rooms and play via the iPhone or iPad.

Either my hearing is getting bad, (I don't think so) or a modern Onkyo receiver can play with the sound to such an extent that my interest in the equipment mentioned in this thread, (used to own some of it!) is pure nostalgia these days, rather than search for pure quality. Is it good or bad that for the price of a good meal out you can buy a speaker dock for your phone that is stunning, really stunning? (Bose.)

I think it is good.