The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5566   Message #32008
Posted By: Mick Lowe
07-Jul-98 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Now I'm Easy (Eric Bogle)
Subject: RE: lyrics aussie song A few words to get going
I don't know about you but "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" is probably the worst song I've ever heard. Not a patch on the "Green Fields of France" (another Bogle song), as an anti war composition. Mind you I've only ever heard one version, i.e. by Ronnie Drew who I must admit has killed many a good tune. If anyone knows of a good rendition on this tune I would be interested to know. I notice however re a previous link about "The Green Fields Of France" ( which in my opinion when sung correctly is probably the best anti war song along with Billy Connoly's "Sergeant Where's Mine"), "The Band Played etc", doesn't come in for some much stick, because nobody bothers to play it, mainly because it's so dire..... Prove me wrong. Ready to listen... Mick

p.s. If you want the words and tadppoles, try my site at the following