The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139497   Message #3201288
Posted By: saulgoldie
03-Aug-11 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Be fruitful,and multiply'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Be fruitful,and multiply'
Humans are a very "dirty" species. Wasteful and destructive. Do you know what Thoreau *really* did to Walden? (There was an NPR story about it recently. Can't find it just now.)

Once we "conquered" our short life span, it was inevitable that we would eventually doom ourselves, and many other species along with us. Religion told us to keep multiplying. Scientific understanding suggested that we learn to coexist sustainably with the other brother and sister species of the planet. Guess which "voice" we listened to.

I think ahmonna have another drink. Time grows short.
