The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26558   Message #320260
Posted By: wysiwyg
16-Oct-00 - 06:36 PM
This is the tavern that is just a tavern, no spacetime irregularities or manipulations, no special effects other than those caused by nature, no mystery plots. We are opening tonight in honor of DAVID LEVER, and someone will probably make a clicky here so that later Tavern visitors in the next millenium can see how he was treated for all his good behavior. Dave (tam), my knickers are still up the flagpole, and I fly them this time for you. Long may they wave!

Over there in the back there's a game of hearts going on, and beyond that is Ernie Dowell's wake, till Thursday AM EST.

The recliner section looks kinda empty but it's early yet. Now that the Olympics are over, we have the bigscreen TV going over in that area, but it's OK. It's just archived Mudcat Radio and Video shows, and Max can't see us but we can see him. Remotes at each recliner too, and afghans.

The pajammie closet is stocked with every size and style of comfies you can imagine. A brazzer storage vault with locking bins has been added to prevent some of the unfortunate hijacking of lingerie that occurred last time. So ladies, get comfy in confidence, it will still be there when you dress to go about your business.

Something REALLY NASTY seems to be going on over by the Jello Pit. The odor coming from that area suggests that the Jello Dive this time includes optional time-release Marmite and Vegemite administration. Of course it has to be taken ahead of time but there are little jars along the bar. Someone is over there standing by with a little blowtorch to light the emissions as divers pass by.

The lingering memories many here have of Miss Caitrin are tending bar. Lot of Caitrin's back there it seems. Maybe Herself will stop in with a plate of cookies.

I am happy to see that work on the doggie door has been completed, where lurkers, newbies, and Sugar Dogs can come and go freely. Look out for cats whizzing around your legs through themain door. Sneaks. Lurkers, please do stop at the Loo to leave a little graffitti, and will someone please tell me how to spell graffitti?

A Whiskey Cat is curled up on the top shelf of the bar surveying all. Sugar Dog she come in and say "woof!" That mean, where mah BEER???? She take a big bowl an' she hop up in a recliner, maybe some good lap come along.

Oh, and there be a link to the last such tavern right quick. Sugar Dog hop down go fetch.
