The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3203375
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-Aug-11 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
String: "The Tea Party is a "brown shirt" extension of Fascist Corporate America, a reactive force, capable of violence, a doctrinaire semi-religious group that seeks to enforce their views of America on everyone including the use of violence if necessary.s"

For what its worth, (and I'm NOT saying I particularly disagree with you), inside the so-called 'Health(?) Care bill', is a provision to call for, and help fund, citizens (brown shirts?) to 'watch' other citizens, and help 'enforce',(rat on) fellow Americans.
Shame, shame, shame!!!

It is also ironic, that as much as I've disagreed with Obama's policies, I have a close friend, who describes himself, as a 'Progressive', voted for Obama, 'discussed' politics with me, who said, as I walked into his shop, just the other day, this week, " So, how do you like our Republican President??"..then went on to rant about how he was just continuing Bush's policies.
When he was done with his monologue, I just simply asked him, "What was I telling you, during the elections??...Everything in between, has just been a deception, to fool the Democratic/Liberal base, why fucking over the country(small businesses, in context), in the meantime. If you were to go back, as far as the nominations, you will find my posts, saying the same thing...for which I have drawn VERY hostile bias, against matter how correct I've been!
In one of my very latest posts, I think in the 'debt ceiling/ fix is in' thread, I even mentioned that I'm sounding more like a 'Progressive' than even so so-called 'Progressives' on here!
Imagine that!!
Anyway, 'Strings', regards to you. May your fingers be as nimble as ever, and may people hear your heart, through them!
(Now he only has to deal with his 'heart'!...wink!)