The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26561   Message #320424
Posted By: mg
16-Oct-00 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: The Butcher Boy - I Dies For Love
Subject: ADD: The Butcher Boy ^^^
here are the words I know as remembered from Ryans' Fancy

In Dublin town where I did dwell
Lived a butcher boy I loved right well
He courted me my life away
And still with me he would not stay

I wish I wish I wish in vain
I wish I was a maid again
A made again I'll never be
Till apples grow on an ivy tree

She went upstairs to go to bed
And calling to her mother said
Give me a chair till I sit down
And a pen and ink till I write down

At every word she shed a tear
At every line cried Willie dear
Oh what a foolish girl was I
To be led astray by the butcher boy

He went upstairs the door he broke
He found her hanging from a rope
And with his penknife he cut her down
And in her pocket these words he found

Oh dig my grave dark wide and deep
Place a marble stone at my head and feet
And in the middle a turtle dove
So the world may know
That I died for love.^^^