The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3204376
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
09-Aug-11 - 12:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Bobert, I wasn't necessarily countering 'Strings'. I think that there is a growing consensus, that Obama, ISN'T everything he led people to believe he is/was...and that might be an emotional overload for some of the idealistic believers, mostly on the so-called 'left'.
Actually, IMHO, he was never qualified to be the leader of this country...and I think those who promoted them(from the top), knew that..and counted on that very fact! SHOCK!!
That being said, I DON'T blame him for the stock market plunging(exactly). This was in the 'oven' for a LONG time. Nor am I going on the 'Blame the TEA Party Bandwagon', either. The FACT is that, as a country we've been spending WAY OVER our means...and under Obama, the deficit has been INCREASED 35%, over everything up to date! The guys who are breaking out the champagne, are the fat cat bankers, who I've been railing about, for quite some time. I believe we will see fighting amongst several banking institutions, in an effort for the biggest one(s) to emerge..and by then, it will be that one, or them, to dictate terms, not only to the economy, but to our very laws, and 'social' and 'behavioral' status!
You should take note that the Tea Party, wasn't the ones responsible for passing inflated, or bloated legislation, and that the way we've been spending, and racking up 'unfunded' programs, and wars, that the chain was eventually going to be yanked, sooner, or later. It was inevitable!
Now, being as so many of YOU have railed about Wall Street, why aren't YOU celebrating??? Has idealism and reality had a head-on collision??

Bobert, I'll keep posting more music for ya'..but on the 'headbanger thread, OK?....Shit, if you like this stuff....wait till I post mine!!!!! (there is only one person on here, who has heard ANY of it, and he seems to have liked it...a LOT!
BTW, I posted more, and will keep it up...BUT, as you can see, it may be in a wide variety of stuff...BUT, whatever 'style' it may be'll be cool!

Regards to ALL,