The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139632   Message #3204422
Posted By: theleveller
09-Aug-11 - 03:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: London Riots
Subject: RE: BS: London Riots
What I can't understand is why everyone - especially Cameron's mob - is so surprised. It gives me no pleasure to say that I predicted something of this sort on this board months ago. If an incompetent government creates the conditions for anarchy, that's what will happen. We get the usual righties here who have never got of their smug, self-satisfied arses and actually seen what has been happening to our society. The sense of hopelessness on sink estates is palpable. History shows that riots don't have to have any logic behind them - just a general feeling of injustice that is sparked by an often totally unrelated incident.

I was talking to my son and he told me that the morale and motivation in the police force is at an all-time low and they have no stomach for going out there and risking their safety to clear up the mess created by incompetent and ignorant politicians - especially when their own contracts of employment have, effectively, been torn up and their pay and conditions devastated, In fact, it seems that there is talk of the police themselves taking industrial action. So what would happen then? Will we have the army (do we still have an army?)facing the police at demonstrations?

So, to all those righties who have been vilifying anyone less fortunate than themselves as scroungers and wasters (and worse), maybe those people are now thinking that they have nothing to lose.
So be very afraid. I know I am.