The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3204994
Posted By: John P
09-Aug-11 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Ah, GfS, still with the one line answers, I see. Of course the debt isn't going to go away in one swell foop. The debt isn't the real problem, anyway. It's the deficit spending. What about 10 years from now, if taxation was more fair? What about collecting Social Security on all income instead of just on wages? What about means-testing for Social Security payouts? What if no one was making a huge profit from health care? What if we spent half of what we currently spend on the military? What if we closed all corporate tax loop holes? What if people were generally paid better, allowing them to pay more taxes and buy more stuff? What if anything sold in this country had to be manufactured, transported, sold, and supported according to our labor laws? What if any corporation that went offshore so they wouldn't have to pay taxes was disallowed from doing business in the United States? What about, instead of giving people money when they are poor, we give them jobs? What about if money wasn't a factor in politics, so large corporations wouldn't be able to as easily control our laws to their benefit?

I can go on forever. Can you go past the "we can't afford it" and the "you're an idiot" stage? Do you have any solutions, or just a mouthful of banal slogans and insults?