The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3205051
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
09-Aug-11 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
.....all assuming you can collect taxes from people who are WORKING!
Don, is right, though, about the Plutocracy.
what john, and a few others don't seem to have a handle on, is that when the government takes all these LOANS out, not only are they NOT creating any NEW sources of wealth, but we have to pay it back, WITH interest!!. You mentioned all this list of the usual things that everybody bitches about, but you must have forgotten to list the biggest of all of them...the INTEREST for the Fed printing fiat money, and 'lending' that money back to the government.
Now for some reasons, the 'liberal' mindset, doesn't seem to think that this adds up, and it IS the reason we are in such massive debt!!...IT is THAT agenda, that the slick son of bitches, SELL you the idea of all these programs, so they CAN print up more worthless money, and charge us the interest! Right now 40 cents of every dollar, is owed for that debt! That's the 'jerk-offs' who are screwing the country's economy. The use their 'broker con men', who the news keeps telling us are 'our Representatives' to push entitlement programs..and the can keep 'lending(read: printing), money, so they grow more powerfull from the interest they are selling!
Now just what other program do you think is free??????????????