The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3205375
Posted By: Bobert
10-Aug-11 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
The way to deal with debt is the way it was done in the 90s... Reasonable tax rates!!!

Now that the Republicans and George Bush have messed things up so much with their Reaganomics on steroids the only way back to anything that resembles the economy of the 90s is to, yes borrow, and get people back to work... But not just any work... China "invests" 15% of it GNP on infrastructure... Germany 8%... The US spends the least % of its GNP on infrastructure, a measly 2%, of any of our competitors... This makes *US* less competitive...

The other are where we need to, yes borrow, is to fuel up our educational system to have a population that is qualified for the jobs of the future... Again, the US is near the bottom on spending for education...

But here's how it works... The folks who will now be employed in these fields will pay taxes back into the system and there will come a time when we are again healthy and hopefully not stupid enough to think that the country needs to be run like a slum...

No other way out of the pickle and 8,000,000 jobs lost that George W. left *US* in...

Cutting taxes again is the most asinine idea in the universe... It didn't create jobs from 2002 thru 2008... It cots *US* 8,000,000 jobs so please, no more stupidity...
