The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3205802
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
11-Aug-11 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Oh Yeah, I forgot..If you got a better guy, vote for try to get him re-elected without bashing, and trying to point blame on the rest of the planet!...Just vote for your guy...hell, I don't care if you burn incense to his picture....and you still won't get it when you can't afford to buy the stuff!..yeah I know..It was the Tea Party fault..No, it was the Republicans Conservatives....Wait!..its all that damn Palin was Bush's fault!, no, no, we couldn't get our runaway bloated credit extended...its John Boehner's fault....Mommy, Bobby pinched me!..and 95% of all forest fires are caused by trees! was their fault..Mommy, their all ganging up on me!
Well rest assured that our fearless leader will lead us he has been...cough cough...gag...dry heave.....and chow gets blown across the room!...I know, let's turn on MSNBC and find out who we should blame today!!!
Oh waaaah!, the electricity has been cut off.....Damn Tea party!