The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118365   Message #3206503
Posted By: GUEST,gordon haskell
12-Aug-11 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: Whatever happened to Gordon Haskell?
Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Gordon Haskell?
Thanks Grahame, very much. So the answer to 'whatever happened to GH' is he let nature take care of everything, and it has. Nature Boy is such a great song. I have done a few interviews over the phone with UK radio . It's really funny now. They cut me off or say things like 'I don't think that's appropriate for my programme!' And all I said was Blair walks off with 42 million in his pocket and the Government expect the people to pay for wars and incompetent bankers. I can't understand why they don't like me anymore!!!!! It really is so much more fun now. Not having to live the lie that 'a lot successful people are obliged to live. Play the game and shut up must be the motto. Well, look where it has taken England. With hyper inflation of 15%-25% on the way all their questionable wealth will be gone. And what for? Just to keep quiet. I seem to recall that is what the Germans did in Auschwitz.
Enough already. I must water the garden. Have to go. Pressure of work. You understand. Then take a swim. Then have a whisky and coke. Check in later!!