The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26577   Message #320719
Posted By: katlaughing
17-Oct-00 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Coping with holiday phobia
Subject: RE: BS: Coping with holiday phobia
Funny thing that, CarolC, no we are not Scandinavian. Story goes, my brother, who enjoyed cooking now and again, tried the recipe out one time and we all liked it so much it became a tradition.

It is not hard to make. You just make a yeast sweet roll dough which most cookbooks have. After it has risen and you've punched it down, you roll it out to be long and narrow as though you are going to make cinnamon rolls. While it is rolled out, fill it with chopped nuts and raisins in a melted butter sauce with sugar and cinnamon. Then roll it up, lengthwise, so that it looks kind of like a small fat snake. Put it on a cookie sheet, forming it into a circle, with the end overlapping in a kind of knot, then use scissors to make a few cuts around the top of it, not all the way through, just a snip here and there, and place maraschino cherries cut in half around to look like the holly berries. I also place walnut halves around on the top. You can also dribble a watery frosting over it, but that really puts the sugar content up there!

Anyway, after letting it rise, again, throw it in the oven and bake until it light brown on top. Depending on how much filling you put it, it might be wise to line your pan with tin foil and/or your oven, as these tend to bubble over sometimes and make a bit of a mess.

If you need more specicifs for the sweet roll recipe, please let me know.

I understand and admire your desire for your son to continue with positive experiences; maybe there could be a compormise? Part of the time on couches at relatives and then a few days for mom and him alone somewhere? Seems like 17 is old enough to understand and want to help you out, too. Sorry if I keep harping on this part. I just see so many parents who *do* for their kids and not for themselves, I feel compelled to champion the beleagured parent, too. **BG**

Are there daytrips the two of you could make while at the relatives, or before? Something totally unconnected to the season?

All the best,
