The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3207255
Posted By: Stringsinger
13-Aug-11 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Bobert, remember that the cuts don't include revenue that could be provided by the wealthy tax evaders. Some of the Repubs such as Paul don't care or would support tax cuts for the Pentagon.

There is no guarantee by this president or any other member of Congress that Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid will not be tampered with through the gang of 12, one way or another.

Right now, 999, damage is continuing in America and the only way for the stock market to rise is with consumer confidence and that's not there. The Tea Party are blaming the wrong institutions. Wall Street is not on their side and will use them and spit them out. The wealthy CEO's are using the Tea Party to retain their wealth at the expense of the populace.

Fortunately, all this is unsustainable as we slip into a double dip recession or further depression. The entire world is feeling the effects of a recalcitrant Republican Congress and until we vote them out of office and replace them with rational Democrats (not much in evidence these days), the US is headed for a downward slide which might result in the future by Americans with sense taking back their economy from the Fascist Oligarchs. Things will have to get a lot worse, first.