The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139734   Message #3207690
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
14-Aug-11 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Idiots in my village
Subject: RE: BS: Idiots in my village
Rapparee, there was a very interesting experiment shown on TV some years ago. Actors were asked to lie down in the street and pretend they had collapsed. Some even had fake blood on them. Some were respectably dressed, others dressed as homeless people. The dreadful thing was, hardly anyone came to their aid. Some lay there for considerable lengths of time. And often it was the most unlikely 'Samaritans' who finally came up to see what they could do, elderly ladies, a young child etc. I expect folk were too scared to 'get involved'. But surely someone could have called an ambulance, even if from a safe distance. Quite shocking.