The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139734 Message #3207830
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
14-Aug-11 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Idiots in my village
Subject: RE: BS: Idiots in my village
Well, hopefully common sense will return to this country...and I hope that runs through many places, not just the legal side of things, nor the parental side of things, but also the educational side of things that they stop this madness of stressing many children over subjects that many of them have absolutely no interest in whatsover....and if those children refuse to learn what they are told to, they are labelled 'failure' and shoved out of the system eventually, left to fend for themselves....
Of course, their natural talents, way of learning, thinking etc, should have been recognised by folks who know about these things, then a structured education put in place for them, so that they spend the majority of their days learning stuff that interests them, will be of great help to them, and others, in the future and will, at the end of many years of many such days, give them an education that is totally awesome!
Then, maybe they'd not be throwing bricks through windows, or setting town and cities alight..