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Thread #136420   Message #3207883
Posted By: Stringsinger
14-Aug-11 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Why I Think Rick Perry is the Most Dangerous Man Alive
Posted by James M. Martin on August 14, 2011 at 8:33am in Politics
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Rick Perry (with an "e") is an evangelical Christian who prays at public events, bowing his head and all. The American Family Association of Donald Wildmon (he sure is!) cosponsored Perry's recent Houston fundamentalist cluster cluck, and if that organization had its way, women would be saving their coat hangers and gays would be wearing pink triangles on their sleeves. Non-church goers would be put in stocks and publicly humiliated. All this nonsense about climate change would be banned by executive order, and all governmental monitoring and censure of food, petroleum drilling, and the machinations of laissez-faire "small business owners" like the Koch Brothers would be stopped. But the full impact of this believer in talking snakes and angelic miracle pregnancies taking over the reins of the nation must also be examined from the neo-conservative point of view.

The anything goes business philosophy is dictated by the Prosperity Gospel which euhemerized (turned into a god) the fictional character of Gordon Gekko into a deity, such that clueless Christians fail to realize the Jesus Christ they now worship not only bears no resemblance to the actual (and probably fictional) prophet, it isn't even the same deity. But the foreign policy and military options are right out of the Dominionist playbook. That's right: Perry will be working to bring about the Rupture Rapture. Oh, did I forget to mention much of the military-industrial complex is in Texas? Coincidence? Hardly, LBJ took care of that. Guided missile systems and such. The Dominionists believe that the day will come when Jesus Christ will have dominion over the earth, and then the dead shall rise to eternal life with the Rapture, all of us atheist types going straight to Hell, there to have lunch with Voltaire and dinner with John Huston. Perry will be candidate of choice for First Strike neocons, chicken hawks all.

I don't want Perry in the White House because, like Woody Allen, I don't mind dying, I just don't want to be around when it happens.