The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136495   Message #3207981
Posted By: akenaton
14-Aug-11 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
No.....Why do you ask?

Without Western fire power this insurrection would be over long since with only a handful of casualties.

Just like Iraq, we are helping to install a regime which will be worse for the people of Libya than the one it replaces, (an Islamic State) and cause thousands of deaths in doing so.

Col Gadaffi's soldiers and civilians are human too....and their conditions of health, education and housing were the best in the area.

Do you really believe we are engaged there for reasons of freedom and democracy for Lybians?....if you do you are very naive indeed.